Hi, I'm Matt

Hi, I’m Matt, and I’m a chemical engineer working with the chemistry of batteries in the automotive industry. I’m originally from Hampshire in the south of England, and now living in Mariefred, Sweden.

What I do

I’m currently a Senior Engineer in the Materials Technology section at Scania, where I have a range of roles providing expertise on the chemistry of electric vehicle batteries, as the team leader for the battery cell team in Materials Technology. I’ve been at Scania since 2019, after a 10 year stint in academia.

My background and expertise

My professional background is in chemistry, chemical engineering and electrochemistry. I obtained an MChem degree in 2008 and PhD in 2012 from the University of Southampton, and worked as a researcher at the Ångström Advanced Battery Centre at Uppsala University, where I became Docent in 2019. I have worked with lithium and lithium-ion battery research for over 15 years, since my first undergraduate research project in 2006. Since then I have specialised in the electrochemistry of lithium batteries and next-generation battery chemistries.

More about me.

Projects past and present

At Scania, I am engaged in a variety of roles related to battery cell chemistry, from characterisation and analytics to safety to technical consulting. I am also heavily active in academic research, primarily focused on post mortem characterisation and degradation analysis.

Among my previous academic projects I have worked with electrochemical analysis methods, positive electrode materials, lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries, lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) batteries, polymer electrolytes and 3D microbatteries.

I also have a number of personal projects related to science education, most notably Lithium Inventory, a knowledge hub for battery science and electrochemistry, which is developed out of educational materials originally hosted on this site.

More about my projects.

Everything else

I am occasionally active on social media, mainly LinkedIn. I also have a profile on Bluesky but for now I’m not a regular user. In my spare time I’m a full time husband and dad, but I also dabble in music and photography when I get the opportunity. I have played piano since I was six, and guitar for over 20 years.

Any opinions expressed on this site are mine only.